Build a Nourish Bowl

A nourish bowl is a balanced meal including nutrient dense foods and are my go-to lunch. It can be warm or cold - I personally prefer a mix of both, warming/cooking some ingredients and keeping some fresh and cold. This is not a structured recipe but more a chance to show you how to create a very complete meal that is a quick lunch option, where you can draw upon seasonal fruits and veggies and make it your own. We want to ensure that a Nourish bowl has all the components to make it not only taste great but hit that macro and micronutrient tick-list.

nourish bowl with kimchi gut healthy foods
nourish bowl vegan colourful with antioxidants
  1. Greens

    This could be kale, spinach, iceburg lettuce, swiss chard, rocket. These greens will make the base and offer up a whole host of nutrients such as magnesium, iron, vitamin A, C, K, calcium, folate, potassium and of course, our beloved fibre.
    We really can’t be getting enough of these nutrients, so fill up the bowl with greens!

  2. Macronutrients

    Carbohydrates, protein and fats (plus veggies).

    My favourite is sweet potato, this root veg is stuffed with beta-carotene, the pre-curser to Vitamin A, amazing for skin and eye health. I usually mix this in with a grain, which could be bulgur wheat, quinoa, brown rice, beans, chickpeas, lentils. These are all incredible sources of minerals and vitamins, but also fibre for healthy bowel movements and happy guts. Carbs have an awful rep but they are ESSENTIAL for our bodies to function, to be energised - we’re talking these carbs, and not refined sugar packed carbs like cakes, biccies, pastries etc. (but obvs they’re sometimes necessary!).

    Options include: nuts, seeds, beans, lentils, quinoa, tempeh, tofu, eggs, sustainably sourced fish (mackerel, wild salmon, sardines) and local quality meat. If choosing animal protein, focus on quality sources, so look for farmers markets and suss out the local butchers. Avoid processed meats and be critical about where the meat and fish come from. Protein is needed in our diets to make up amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein and structures in our bodies. They are super necessary for growth and repair and for the maintenance of good health. You’ll need around 40g-55g of protein per day.

    Healthy Fats
    Again, another bad rep. Fat in foods really does not mean fat in our bodies - the sooner we beat this silly myth, the better. Opt for Omega 3 fats such as avocado, nuts, seeds, olives, extra virgin, olive oil, tahini, fatty fish like salmon, etc. Fats are essential for the health of our brain - our brain is in fact around 70% fat. These fats also play another incredible role by reducing the production of inflammatory molecules and enabling healthy bodily responses.

    Get these loaded in - the more variety and colours the better. Aubergine, courgette, red onion (is my favourite fried up for some sweetness), sweetcorn, red cabbage, peppers - all colours, tomatoes, cucumber, mushrooms, broccoli, celeriac, cauliflower, Jerusalem artichoke, asparagus (the final 2 are sources of the prebiotic, inulin - amazing food for the bugs in your gut). Choose the ones you love and maybe a rogue one to mix up the diet. Colours = polyphenols, which are these incredibly potent antioxidants, warding off free radicals (therefore damage) in the body. They are also full of fibre, so stock up for the health of your gut.

  3. Supercharge it

    Take it a little further with more gut friendly foods such as fermented veggies like sauerkraut or kimchi, more nuts, seeds, hemp, salsa, hummus, tahini dressing, fruit, cheese, guacamole, pesto, nutritional yeast, fresh lemon juice, herbs, favourites spices or seasonings, etc. Make it your own so that you find it all delicious. For me - kimchi, hummus and a squeeze of lemon is all I need to make it delicious

And my tip top tip for a nourish bowl will be to do some food prep for the following few days. This might sound a little regiment, but trust me that cooking sweet potato, veggies, tofu, chicken in the oven, plus cooking rice, bulgur etc. on a Sunday and storing it in the fridge is a great way to then make quick but incredibly nutritious meals throughout the week.

The options are literally endless and you can add any leftovers you have in the fridge. Aim for variety and enjoy!
